Monday, September 14, 2009

Try Try Again

Mother nature has been particularly cruel this month. If you're squeamish and or male, you may want to stop reading at this point., I had THE worst cramps yesterday, that I about died...or at least I felt like I was. On top of that, my eating has been out-of-control since last Thursday what with opening night at the Opera and all the champagne and partying ways we singers exist on during productions. Now I know why successful singers pack on the pounds...people just feed you and ply you with wine...eek! So as it stands, my stats are pretty lousy at the moment, thus I get to start all over again, but with a much higher body weight :(

The good news is that my honey, The Maestro, is going to be my partner in the battle of the bulge...we're both going to get all ship-shape together. Thus our plan is basically an organic/south-beachy approach to our diet...yummy organic lean proteins, veggies (lots o' green), dairy, legumes and nuts for the 1st 2 weeks, and then we'll add in organic citrus and whole grains like quinoa slowly back. On top of that we start our work-out regiment: a mixture of cardio, guerilla cardio, 30 day shreds, and some other weight training programs. Mixing it ups seems to keep the bod guessing and going in the right direction. I have a feeling, after the first 2 weeks we should be hating life, but feeling a heck of a lot better about ourselves. I guess Jillian Michaels is right...if it were easy, everyone would be in shape.

Ok, so here are today's stats...starting with my pathetic weight (159.5 lbs)

8am - 0% Greek Yogurt w/1 pkg of stevia (90 calories)

10am - Organic decaf coffee w/half & half (110 calories)

12pm - 1 cup of Blackbeans w/tomatoes & green chilies (280 calories)

3pm - 15 Almonds (105 calories)

4:30pm - Decaf coffee w/half & half (110 calories)

6:30pm - Beef & Broccoli - no sugar or MSG (300 calories)

Total calories for the day: 995

Have a great day!

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