Monday, June 16, 2008

Ok, I'm Blogging, I'm Blogging.

Under vegan command, I am blogging...I was intending on it anyway, but it's nice to know I've been missed.

It's been a good day as far as diet & exercise go. I've been eating clean, taking my vitamins, drinking my water, have already done my interval training on the treadmill and made sure I had some greens along the way...Not bad for a Monday. However Friday was another story. If you read Friday's blog, you already know I had a Beer Garden event...OMG...there is a reason I don't generally visit Beer Gardens, there's not much in the way of healthy alternatives, so I caved. I drank beer, ate sausage, hamburgers, and french fries until I was sick...No literally sick! A nice reminder of why I don't eat like that. My body couldn't handle all the greasy foods and hardy I woke up in the middle of the night Friday night/Saturday morning with my tummy a'gurgling...and spent a good amount of time in El Bano for the next 2 days...ugh. Nope, I just can't eat like that and my body revolts against it...and you know what, it wasn't that good going down either, so the cheat wasn't even worth it. Blech! Well, we learn from our mistakes, and it was a good lesson, one that makes me appreciate the lovely fresh fruits and veggies in my life :)

On the singer's front: I received an email that makes me think that I may know what my contract with the opera for next season will be in the next 48 by tomorrow I should have some news, because it was sent out on Sunday's hoping anyways...I really need to find out what roles (if any) I have to learn for next season and start learning them NOW. Actually the plan is to learn my role in Don Giovanni by the end of June and start learning my Dicapo picks in July. I really have a crazy summer of learning ahead of me...but with my favorite and talented coach Carmine, I have faith that I will conquer all roles that need learning.

Well, it's almost time to leave work, eat a healthy dinner, go home, do some strength training, and get some rest.

Have a Great Day!


Anonymous said...

Yay! Glad to see you obey the vegan gods! ;)
You made my tummy hurt just reading what you put in your mouth at the beer garden! ewww...
I will be keeping my fingers crossed for your contract. Good luck!

Rebeca said...

I'm so sorry you were sick... stupid burgers :) Glad you're back on track though!

Hope you get tons of good news tomorrow!


P.S. Hit 5 lb loss today on the B-Day challenge after 6 weeks of the same number! I always do well when I start a challenge with you! You're my gl charm :)

Anonymous said...

It is good to see you back, Bex! Sorry you had an icky weekend though. I know what you mean about your body just rejecting the bad stuff, however. It's miserable but also somewhat encouraging to know that we've cleansed our systems of toxins sufficiently that our body now recognizes them as such! So there's a silver lining, right? :-)

Glad you're better, hope your contract turns out the way you want it.
