Monday, April 26, 2010

Gold Star for Today

Ok, so I did it right thus far today:

6:30am - 2 tsp. organic peanut butter w/1 cup organic skim milk

9:30am - Eggwhite omelet w/feta & fresh spinach & decaf coffee w/half & half

12:30pm - 0% Fage Yogurt & coffee w/half & half

2:10pm-2:45pm - Intervals on the Treadmill (guerilla cardio)

3:30pm - organic mixed green salad & balsamic vinaigrette
Not a bad start to the day...I've gotten in some awesome fuel into my body so far and had a lovely cardio work-out (purple face included)...yay me

Now the Plan for the rest of the day:

5pm - Vocal Coaching

6:30pm - Dinner

7pm - Cabaret rehearsal

11pm - Sleep, glorious sleep...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

What goodness have you done for your body today...let's hit it!


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